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Wednesday, February 24, 2010
it been such a long time since i blog.. i'm lazy and didn't even think of blogging..
finally it's the end of fyp and so my 3 yrs of poly life.. 3 yrs passed so fast..
suddenly feel very empty as waking up every morning first thing to do is on my lappy and load video.. though that what i have been longing for during the suffering ipp and fyp period but somehow now i feel.. don't know how to describe but just feel something is missing..
enrolling for driving and korean lesson so what i need now is MONEY!!! looking for job but tired of those admin work so if there any please intro..
hate the feeling of wanting to do something but just don't have the urge to do it..

You're my heart, say goodbye;  

Sunday, November 22, 2009

mentor's b'day

oct b'day celebration..

another oct b'day celebration at sgh with the whole team including the onsite..

finally end of ipp and went orchard to celebrate,yeah!!!
3 months as helpdesk agent at IBM is really stressful and tired but now it's over!!
going back school on monday for fyp.. having mix feeling and beijing trip is giving mi a headache..
some many things to prepare and pack.. wow stressful!!

last fri if i'm not wrong, went bugis to watch 2012 which lasted till 2 plus coz we watch the 11 plus time slot..

halloween night went marina barrage and slack at jon hse till morning with the rest..

hy's ver of BOF..

ahpearl's ver of BOF..

my ver of BOF..

ahlynn's ver of BOF which is the best..

and last of all, jon's ver of GOF..

You're my heart, say goodbye;  

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

宝贝 你是我的宝贝
温室中的花蕊 你的微笑让我变的完美

魔鬼 又是我的魔鬼
爱的那麽纯粹 你是我最苦涩的滋味


让我哭出来 哭出来 爱的这样糊涂
让我笑出来 笑出来 又是谁的错误
让我哭出来 哭出来 让回忆乾枯

全部 你是我的全部
爱是一种赌注 就算失败我也不会认输

清楚 我已看不清楚
爱在我的心中 瞬间却有铭心而刻骨


让我哭出来 哭出来 爱的这样糊涂
让我笑出来 笑出来 又是谁的错误
让我哭出来 哭出来 让回忆乾枯

不怕一个人的孤独 就算身体没了温度
就请忘掉我们所有的全部 我认输

让我哭出来 哭出来 爱的这样糊涂
让我笑出来 笑出来 又是谁的错误
让我哭出来 哭出来 让回忆乾枯

You're my heart, say goodbye;  

Tuesday, October 27, 2009
back to update.. finally oct coming to an end which mean left 3 more wks.. seriously cant wait!!!!
first is my b'day which has just passed.. offically hit wif a "2" and nxt yr will add a "1" beside it which is "21".. have been living for 20 yrs, how time flies..

went chin huat seafood for steamboat with the grp of them for celebration..
at first plan to go popeye but suddenly they change to steamboat..
and i was thinking only 4 of us eat what steamboat so i ask mspohhy whether others coming and she say no..
but thx to ahlynn i already start to suspect..
and i'm right, when we reach there that mspohhy told the staff 9-10 ppl coming and she tot i cant hear at all, lols.. so i knew it the guys are coming..
they really veri lousy coz when they tried to stuff my present in my bag, i witness the whole scene while taking ice cream outside wif ahlynn.. HAHA..
but still thanks for the present and the celebration..

that is the day whereby i enjoy most during my attachment period..
early morning ask to go down to sgh for onsite attachment as dept having full strength and no seat for mi..
that whole day like having job training, just have to follow the engineer around to attend cases..
dont have to pick up calls, troubleshoot and listen ppl shouting q calls..
peaceful day and somemore not much cases on that day.. around 2-3 cases only,woohoo..
and i think the whole onsite dept know this gal call Binyu..
coz the following day i went back sgh for checkup and saw the engineer that i attach to..
they were like so shock to see mi there and the news spread really fast even my supervisor know i went sgh on wed and whole onsite know i went there too,haha..
how i wish someday within the following 3 wks i will be send again to sgh for attachment..

went airport to send them off to suzhou..

You're my heart, say goodbye;  

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Madeleine Goh HAPPY 20th BIRTHDAY!!!
though didnt join you guys to celebrate,i still remember your b'day..
may all your wishes come true and all shitting things and people get out of your way..
and next week will be my turn le,LOLS..

Friday went Blu Jaz
a farewell for the 4 gals who going to suzhou tml!!
yvonne didnt tag along as she has another farewell to attend..
gals,faster go and come back coz i wanna end my horrible ipp soonnnnn..
of course your frendz here will miss you gals.. so faster come back,lols..
and dont forget to bring thing back for us,i prefer food ok.. HAHA..

Wed & Thurs
during the afternoon,my colleagues sudden stand up and walk around and keep saying do they know anot..
at first i tot what happen then they bring out a b'day cake so is another colleague's b'day..
however it is a b'day celebration for october baby and total is 5 of us include mi..
didnt sing b'day song unlike for my mentor i'm the one singing solo b'day song for him..
after work went back school for beijing meeting and mit angpj,eleanorchen and yvonne for dinner..
finally get to eat my double cheese which i crave for so long..
really excited to go to beijing,woohoooo..

thurs went sgh for meeting after work but is cab down so ok..
when we went into the conference room,the atmosphere is so weird..
i look at you and you look at mi.. finally get to see the onsite especially those scolded mi before..
still need to intro ourselves to each other as there are new faces..
they also bought b'day cake for october baby and this time total is 12 of us..
at first i didnt want to go out and thank to amas for reminding..
they gonna up 24/7 which mean there will be morning and night shift..
and the new SLA is soooooo.. i just hope i dont need to learn the new software..
pls implement when we left the company!!

And someday during last or last last wk, cant really rmb..
went Astons with the girls..

You're my heart, say goodbye;  

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Ina is a rising singer who about to debut but tragedy struck her when she found out she had leukaemia. Another girl took her place and everyone take that girl as Ina. Jung Tae survived from a department store collapse only to find out that he has brain cancer. Ina and Jung Tae meet and fall in love. However, Jung Tae passed away and Ina finally has a chance to stand on stage and perform as a singer. She wrote the song and dedicate to Jung Tae.

loving the song.. cant wait for the rest of the eps..

You're my heart, say goodbye;  

Saturday, October 3, 2009

last sat went k with the group of them at clementic..

You're my heart, say goodbye;  